Belief without doubt,
Persistent passion and complete commitment;
Awaken the mind and become aware,
Become concise and transcend illusion;
Return to a state of simple truths, compassion and love.
This is Wuji Dalai.
What is Qigong?
Qigong (Chi Kung) is the Chinese discipline devoted to the development of understanding, awareness and harmonizing of one’s mind, body, qi (chi) and spirit.
It plays a strong part in Chan Buddhism (Zen) and Daoist philosophy, as well as Traditional Chinese Medicine and Chinese Martial Arts.
Qigong has been used extensively in China as part of traditional Chinese medicine,
and is included in the curriculum of Chinese Universities. Throughout the world qigong
is now recognized as a form of complementary and alternative medicine, with positive effects on diverse ailments.
Qigong practice involves rhythmic breathing, coordinated with slow stylized repetitions
of fluid movements and a calm mindful state. From a philosophical perspective Qigong
is believed to help develop human potential, allowing access to higher realms of awareness, awakening one’s true nature.
What is Ziran Qigong?
Ziran Qigong is a progressive set of exercises that retains all the original concepts
and benefits associated with traditional Qigong, while following a style of practice
that uses terms and expressions that modern people can associate with and
understand. “The main aim of Ziran Qigong is to obtain an understanding of one’s
mind and body and the link between the two.”
Our practice of Qigong has been passed down via the Zi Ran Qigong lineage
and has been refined throughout many generations. Master Liu De Ming is the
inheritor of the Ziran Qigong system, as well as being an active researcher
into Qigong.
The Ziran Qigong School is located in Melbourne, Australia and is run
under the benevolent eye of Master Liu Deming, lineage holder of the
Ziran Qigong tradition.
Ziran Qigong Beginner's Courses
Bookings essential as places are limited
"The Art of Open Microcosmic Orbit"
Cost: $160 (8 consecutive weeks)
Northcote 6:15 - 7:45pm Tuesdays
19 April - 8 June Bookings
Click here to register more
Direct any inquiry with the form below
or email
2016 Pending Workshops
Check our workshops tab for all the latest on events and retreats
In this meditation we focus on opening and releasing the emotions and tension out from
the two main channels of qi energy in the body, in particular, the three Dantian in the Ren Mai (Conception vessel) and Three Gates in the Du Mai (Governing Vessel).
To purchase this DVD or find out more click on the DVD cover.
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